I’m getting a lot of negative comments on my daughters name :(

We have a daughter named Rosalie & have another baby girl on the way! Everyone seems to love Rosalie’s name! For this baby, we’ve decided on the name Sadie. We fell in love with it because it’s so cute & sweet. We think Rosalie & Sadie sound adorable together for sisters. But I’m not getting any good feedback :(

The most common comments I get are that it’s a dog name, it’s country, or it’s too old fashioned. The dog comment doesn’t make a lot of sense because I’ve met dogs named Bella & Zoe, etc. but they’re still perfectly good to use on human babies. I don’t want Sadie to have a name that people view as country because we aren’t country at all.

We think of it as a beautiful, sweet, & simple name. I know other people’s opinions shouldn’t matter but I don’t want her to get made fun of or anything.

What do you think? Is Sadie really that bad of a name?