Honestly, am I wrong?


I really want y’all honest opinions. I had my baby oct 1. My mother in law wasn’t able to come to hospital because she was watching our oldest child for us. Well, long story short. My baby was 3 days old and she came by (which she did not call first). She comes in and about 10 minutes later she says she was waiting to see the baby. I told her that I just put her down to sleep (which I did) and that i was not about to wake her up. Maybe hopefully she will wake up so that you can see her. But she woke up like 20 mins later while we were still talking. Here’s the thing though, every since then...she has not called or texted to check on us to see if I need any help or anything. I think she is feeling some type of way because I didn’t want to wake my baby up. Quite petty in my opinion. Especially knowing I’m away from my family and I have no loved ones here that live close by. I told my husband about it and he says I should apologize but I don’t think I should. What do you all think?