Has anyone...

Alison • Mother to 2 beautiful girls, and wife to 1 handsome man.🧔👸👩👱‍♀️🥜🐶🐱

Has anyone been (fairly) early in pregnancy and began spotting (red) and all was OK with the pregnancy?

I am looking to calm my fears, or prepare for the sad news... Yesterday I began spotting (red). It stopped for about 1 hour, then began again, and hasn't stopped (as of writing this it all began 11hrs ago). I went to my midwife for a blood draw. HCG level results will be back by this afternoon, then I go back tomorrow for a 2nd draw (and THOSE results won't be back until Thursday)... I do not have cramping. Maybe slight, and very occasional. I am sore/tender 'down there' when I do go to the bathroom. And that's the end of my symptoms. I know I am early, being 4wks and 6days... But I am still super excited about finally adding my 3rd baby to our family.

Please comment if you have gone through anything similar.