Do you think video games contribute to violence and criminal behavior?

🤷🏻‍♀️longhair🤷🏻‍♀️dontcare🤷🏻‍♀️ • Happily married. Mom of 3 boys. Bisexual.

There are so many video games. Many express violence and allow players to kill other players. Do you think this is causing people to be more violent?

Bonus question: do you think kids that are allowed to play games like this learn to be more violent?

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Posted at
I be stealing cars and shit in gta. You don't see me stealing cars and knocking people out only to steal their money and run away in real life, smh


🤷🏻‍♀️longhair🤷🏻‍♀️dontcare🤷🏻‍♀️ • Oct 30, 2018
I totally agree. I’ve been playing video games my whole life and I’m in no way, shape or form a violent person. I have always been so surprised with people that are concerned with this question.


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They already did studies that showed they don't.


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Not at all.I enjoy piercing bitches through the heart with my arrow in Skyrim. My husband prefers to chop off their heads with a battleaxe.Neither of us our violent people.We also play shooting games. We team up to literally shoot people repeatedly all day (Black Ops). We definitely don't want to do that in real life.


🤷🏻‍♀️longhair🤷🏻‍♀️dontcare🤷🏻‍♀️ • Oct 30, 2018
You and your husband sound a lot like me and my husband before kids 😂 we still play but not as frequently


Posted at
My husband and step kids play violent video games all the time, they are not violent people. If you can’t tell a video game from reality that is a completely separate issue.

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There are studies that show that violence in movies/TV shows/video games can exacerbate pre-existing mental health conditions, but they can't cause them.So, if you don't already have urges to murder/rob/abuse people in real life, then you won't begin having them just because you play GTA. If you DO have those urges, you should speak with a mental healthcare provider and probably avoid triggering games/movies/TV shows.


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video games don't make people violent and kill people. People make people violent and kill people 🤷🏼‍♀️


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Lmao no.


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What video game was hitler playing? Or all the people who burned and drowned women for being witches?!


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Not at all.That's like saying guns kill people... Not the humans controlling the guns, but the guns themselves killing people...I'm an avid gamer. I've been playing games since I was able to hold a controller (2 years old and I'm now 27 tomorrow) and realize if I press stuff, things move. I play video games all day every day and sometimes stream them. Lol.But do you see me going out and killing people? Do you see me stealing cars? No.I hate how video games get a bad reputation because somebody decided they cause people to be horrible people...
Not at all.That's like saying guns kill people... Not the humans controlling the guns, but the guns themselves killing people...I'm an avid gamer. I've been playing games since I was able to hold a controller (2 years old and I'm now 27 tomorrow) and realize if I press stuff, things move. I play video games all day every day and sometimes stream them. Lol.But do you see me going out and killing people? Do you see me stealing cars? No.I hate how video games get a bad reputation because somebody decided they cause people to be horrible people...


🎮kaitlyn🕹 • Oct 31, 2018
People just love pinning the blame on something


😻M • Oct 30, 2018
I played some pretty violent games growing up as well... I turned out fine. My brother turned out fine, my sister turned out fine and so did all of my friends and family who play games their whole life.


Posted at
No. If that was even remotely true those of us who grew up playing duck hunt, sims and other video games where death or killing is an aspect would have all been arrested by now.