AF Reared Her Ugly Head 6 DAYS EARLY

Kellie • My husband and I have had a brilliant 10 years together, and we are expecting baby #1 in June!
I am so disappointed. I honestly believed that for the last week I have been feeling implantation cramps, and today I woke up with some medium cramping.  I went to the restroom, and guess who showed up early! I can't stand this! Hubs and I have only been TTC for 2 cycles, and I am stressed out beyond belief!  I think I need to step away from glow and just try this without constantly thinking about it....possible??? I don't know. The support here is brilliant, but I feel like I am seriously going crazy with baby brain. Ugh. So don't know what to do right now.  I think I'll go POAS and torture myself some more. 😩