Two kids before 18? Help!!

Lizzy • I am 18 I have a 1 year old beautiful daughter and a loving fiance and we have 1 more girl on the way coming Feburary!!

Anybody who has more then one child before 18 how did you break the news to your parents about the 2nd child. How did they take it. How did others react. Afraid I might be pregnant again...I was on birth control but I have a horrible feeling I am. I been nausoues, dizzy, tired, hungry, moody etc lol same as my first. I'm afraid to find out. Excited bur so deeply stressed. My parents and people didn't take it so well the first time they adore her now and spoil her but the first trimester was rough. They said abortion (which I'm against) or give the child to them. It was rough. Alot of fighting but my mother eventually gave through understanding. Same eventually with my father longer but hey lol. I know this is a long kinda boring rant or question? But I'm really stressed and nervous and I'm all over the place with fear. So please let me know. How did you break the news. How did they take it. How did everyone else take it. I am 17 with a 5 month old. 18 in June.