Blighted ovum - mc naturally

My story . . . hope it helps someone. 
I had some spotting that started as just brown, light spotting. I had an ultrasound at 8 wks (7/27) and there was nothing there, just a sac. Was hoping it wasn't blighted ovum; it was. Started having red blood and clots later that day. I've been bleeding and passing clots since then. Passed the gestational sac on this Thurs (8/6). I had blood work done - hcg at 4,700, then 3,700 (on 8/3) and now I'm waiting for the results from my bloodwork done yesterday (8/10). Just hoping the numbers dropped enough to avoid having to take a pill or shot to hurry things along. I'm so worried I'm going to need a D&C still. After everything else I've been through these last few weeks, I think that might just break me! So much stress and heart ache. I can't even put into words how I'm feeling. So ready for the bleeding to stop, blood tests to stop, and life to return to "normal". I just want to move on . . .