Scared Cry


So at about 7 weeks old we decided to take a day trip to the lake with my family. We were there for maybe 35 minutes and all of the sudden my LO started crying uncontrollably. She would pout her little lips and look around and would just cry what to me sounds like she is afraid, nothing I did was calming her down I tried feeding her, giving her the pacifier, rocking her, talking to her, holding her to where she would realize that it was me holding her but nothing helped. So I couldn't think of anything else to do so I went to sit in the car and it took maybe 10 minutes of talking to her in the car to try to get her to calm down. After that I took her back to be with the family and she was fine.

At 13 weeks I went to my mom's house and the same thing happened her crying, looking all over she sounded scared that lasted maybe 15mins and then she was able to calm down.

The it happened again, she's 16 weeks now and yesterday we took our older daughter trick or treating and she did it again looking all over and sounding scared and I had to leave my husband and older daughter and had to walk back to the car which was about 2 miles away with a screaming infant and yes she cried the whole way back. We sat in the car and I was able to calm her down. But MAN... idk what triggers this.

I've heard of babies getting separation anxiety when mom isn't around but I've been with her every time. Is there any other babies out there doing this? If so what can I do? We have been to the zoo, plenty of stores, family members homes, restaurants, the park and she has been fine she doesn't do everytime. I'm just lost and I panic when it happens because it takes me by surprise but the cry that she makes I recognize right away and I know she's going to cry for a while.