Dream interpretation please?

I fell asleep for an hour and has this dream. It’s crazy because i remember every detail like it really happened.

So it started out with me finding this little tiny hamster on the floor and it looks dead so I’m freaking out and tell my brother to get it. When he goes to get it it darts into the bathroom and we go in there and there’s a little kitten. Then my brother comes out with a fish tank and said he and his girlfriend are gonna get fish? So they bring home two bags of fish and they all die when I grab the bags. So I started crying and was like “how am I gonna have a baby if fish die when I touch them” and then I notice I’m very very pregnant? Which is irrelevant to the whole story. So that happens in the living room and we hear a scratching at the door and this dog comes running in, so I go to let it back outside and my whole back yard is filled with different animals, cats dogs etc. My boyfriend has to come down and shoot a dog because it was biting me and that’s when he tells me that he found a box of catnip in the bathroom drawer and it said “will attract other animals” in big letters. So all these animals are smelling that catnip and coming to my house 😂 Then I tried to let the first dog outside through the front door so it didn’t get hurt and there’s a lady out there yelling for her cat. So I told her what was going on and explained her cat might be in my back yard so I go back inside and I go into the kitchen to look out the back door and there’s a baby in my sink. One like 6-8 months old just sitting in the damn kitchen sink. So I pick it up and the back door is broken at this point so all the dogs are running in and one starts biting me again and I’m screaming for my boyfriend to come shoot it because it’s gonna get the baby and that’s where my boyfriend wakes me up because I was yelling his name 😂😂