2:30am and 6:30am are kinda two different things..

Kay ✨

My husband makes me want to scream sometimes. Not sure if I want to laugh or cry right now.

Baby boy woke up. He’s been sleep 6 hour stretches. My phone was completely dead. I asked my husband what time it was and he answered 6:45. In like WOW this kid slept until 6:45! I put my phone on the charger (iPhone doesn’t turn on immediately when dead), put my pump together, pump while feeding baby on the other side, CHANGED BABY OUT OF HIS PJS, gave him his vitamins, and go to the living room to read and play as we do every morning. Knowing damn well if he slept from 8p-6:45a, he’s not going back to sleep. Aka: started the day. yady yady yady. I’m thinking about making myself breakfast and getting a cup of coffee.

I go and get my phone, assuming by now it’s got to be close to 7:45, we’ve been up for about an hour. Also thinking to myself, “sunrise will be anytime.”

I looked at my phone and it says 3:30am... w.t.f

I go into the bedroom and I’m like “Jake is my phone wrong, or was it actually 2:45 when you told me it was 6:45... he’s like “oops” I read it wrong.


So now it’s almost 4am, my baby is in jeans, playing with a stuffed basketball on his play mat, and I was getting ready to pack baby up and head out to Starbucks, and he had his vitamin 4 hours early.

TGIF 🙄 🙄 🙄