Fat Bride 👰🏻


I’ve finally came to terms that I’ll be a “fat” bride. I use that word loosely because I’m not ashamed of my body. It’s actually funny because I’m more confident now at 250+ than I was at 150. I have put on the weight over the past 4 years and I was struggling with the idea that I was going to get married at my weight. I yo yo dieted lost a bunch and gained it right back. I finally set the date for our wedding and swore I’d lose the weight by then. Months past and i kept putting off the “diet” and now I’m 2 months away from getting married and if anything, gained some weight. I dreaded the idea of pictures and looking back at myself, but then came to the realization that I wasn’t going to post pone marrying the love of my life because of my weight. I’m going to rock what I got and not put so much pressure on myself. I would like to get to a healthier weight eventually, but I’m not going to beat myself up for it any longer.

Anyone else go through this?