Anyone run regularly?


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I do, but I've cut back because of fatigue and my under two year old exhausts me by the time I get a chance to run. I took most of this week off, but I'm getting my miles done from here out. Just have to listen to my body. I'm training for my 4th marathon in October. My doc gave me the thumbs up but I plan to run/walk the last 10 miles. I ran all the way through my first pregnancy...even did 5 miles when I first went into labor because I thought it was Braxton hicks. The key is to ALWAYS listen to your body first, you'll know when to stop. ALSO you are going to SLOW DOWN, you're growing a human! Doesn't matter how slow you go or what tri you're in, you're keeping you and baby healthy and rock! My energy levels got WAY better during my second tri. I'll keep my fingers crossed that our second tri's both get better!


E • Aug 13, 2015
Sounds like you'd be in shape enough to go ahead and run the 13.1 and walk the rest! You know your body best, the fact that you're still that're awesome! And congratulations on you Olympic tri and last TRImester! Good luck!


Amanda • Aug 13, 2015
Good advice. I debated about walking part of the marathon I was signed up for, but since it would've been my first and I was only up to 13mi long runs, I knew it wouldn't work. When you wrote "tri" I first thought of triathlon. Have one more left. Did Olympic tri prego last month.


Posted at
I ran thru my last pregnacy, did a 5k at 8 months pregnant. Loved being so active and felt great. This pregnancy however is so horrible as I'm sick all day everyday and feel exhausted and nauseated. On the days I try to run, I vomit even more than other days. So I think I'm done running until after baby :(


Posted at
I was training for my first marathon til I found out I was pregnant! Been trying to keep up, but exhaustion and digestive trouble in the mornings have been reducing it to so little! Can't wait for cooler weather so going later in the day is feasible. Not doing marathon anymore. Can't get refund but can switch to another distance, so I will do 10k. Race in Oct.


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I used too but too sick lately 😓


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I always hoped to run through pregnancy. Unfortunately I got mono and walking pneumonia immediately upon becoming pregnant (I am guessing it caused my immune system to take a dive). So I was dealing with a level of exhaustion and pain I have never felt in my entire life. I was down for the count for over a month with no activity of any kind (although dressing myself did feel like quite the workout ;) ). The worst of the mono and fatigue is behind me (though I am not normal yet, whatever "normal" is now that I'm pregnant). However, I live in the Deep South and the heat and humidity is unbearable. I walk outside and dry-heave all the way from point A to B, ha! I plan to walk on the treadmill at the gym, maybe some water aerobics, and then I will try to build up to some slow running. Although by then it will have been almost 3 months of no running. I will try to do what I can and maybe when the weather cools down (probably late October), I'll try to run in some Fall/Winter 5k events if it feels safe to do so. I can't let my dream completely die!


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I do! Or did. I'm having a really hard time between the constant nausea and fatigue. It's been almost 2 weeks (it's usually 3-4 times a week) 😰


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I do 


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I do! 😊