Finally our rainbow 🌈 😭


13dpo. Tested on 10dpo and 12dpo and my tests were negative. We said we weren’t trying the last 3 months of the year but I know we both were subconsciously trying.

It has been almost 2 years since we started trying for our family. 1 miscarried baby at 11 weeks and had a chemical pregnancy too.

Yesterday I set up an altar for my babies on Dia De Los Muertos and we visited the grave of our first.

We were sad and heartbroken. We miss our babies.

When I tested this morning I cried on the bathroom floor and thanked God for this miracle. I pray that this little bean will be healthy and make it to term.

So grateful! Feeling so grateful and terrified today. I don’t want to put my husband through the heartache of another loss. I’m so excited and so scared we’ll lose this one too. For now, I’m snuggling up on my couch and counting my blessings.

The one in the middle had a dye run. Turned out to be a correct dye run! Yay’ Also, I promise the FRER has a LOT of color in person.