

I’m 4 DPO (confirmed by opk) and SOOOOOO crampy. Like it hurts really really bad... no AF because she isn’t due for 11 days. I know I cramped with my last pregnancy really early after ovulation, but I can’t remember how early. Anyone have this. Any input would be amazing (:

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I’m 4DPO today too and I’ve been getting cramps/twinges. I’ve also had such a bad headache today and so irritable! It’s hard to know if it’s early pregnancy signs or period 😫


Brie • Nov 4, 2018
Neither, it’s just a regular occurrence in your cycle and won’t help you determine either way


Kristin • Nov 4, 2018
This happens if pregnant or not?


Brie • Nov 4, 2018
It rises after ovulation. Therefore the hormone can give you “symptoms “ it will decline right before expected af