Accidental natural birth


First of all, I’m not a birth plan kind of person to begin with. Just a go with the flow but I was planning on having an epidural 100% of the time. Went to bed at 2am when contractions weren’t getting closer than 10 min apart. I woke up around 730 with a very strong, significant contraction. Decided to hop in the shower and text my mother in law 4 hours away that they might be driving over today. Another contraction 7 minutes apart. Text my friend who will watch our 2 year old until parents arrive that we may need to drop him off. Another contraction 6 minutes apart. Shower, 3 more strong contractions. Wake up my husband, now they’re 4 minutes apart. Tell in laws to start driving, have husband pick up our son, 3 minutes apart. We got to the hospital at 918. They check me and say I’m an 8 and get me admitted immediately. Get to the birthing room begging for an epidural and they page 3 times requesting them to hurry. Contractions are on top of each other. I got up from the transfer triage bed to get into the birthing bed. I didn’t get a chance to sit/lay back down. I’m holding onto my husband and screaming through the pain. (Fun fact- the hospital had a tour going through right then that got to hear my pain). I went from begging for an epidural to saying I needed to pee to telling them I had to poop. I don’t think I finished the word poop before my water broke. Like out of a movie, intense splash and everyone took a half step back. They check me while still standing and tell me it’s time to push. Water broke at 1017 FYI. They demand I lay down on the bed, I’m biting on a towel. Currently midwife and a nurse in the room with my husband and I. He holds one leg, nurse holds the other. Midwife asks me to hold down and push so I do, head. Push again, she’s out. 1022am. ...epidural team shows up at 1024! 9lb 6oz perfect baby girl. Let’s be clear- I wasn’t sure I was going to live through or breathe through the pain, and she tore lady land UP. Size and speed were pretty severe. But, after being in the hospital 64 minutes we welcomed our beautiful baby girl Josephine. Also, I already feel better recovering this time than my perfectly medicated induction with my son.