Curious what you guys think about this. Story includes my fiance, halloween mask and cops.


So, halloween at 5am i wake up and my fiance is missing i have no idea where he is i text him and wait. Finally he calls and says hes outside a street over from the police station. Apperently he had been walking around at 11 pm on halloween <a href="">eve</a> in his michael myers costume and the cops had been called on him. They arrested him and told him they did not have to give a reason why hes being arrested. They dont even have to tell him why theyre there. They leave him in a cell without a word until the release him around 5 amd tell him hes being charged with disturbance of the peace because apperently a couple girls thought hw was staring at them. Which he wasnt he just walked by them from the other side of the road. Is this fair? Disturbance of the peace because some chicks were scared the night before halloween? Can cops really arrest you and not tell you why?