Had a dream my husband left me after I've been feeling insecure about my weight gain... 😣

Sooo.. I have always had super vivid crazy dreams that always feel super real... I'm telling you, they are crazy. Every time I watch the original Jurassic Park I have dreams that I am being chased by raptors in the strangest places.. like a Store and what not. Anyways. Since this pregnancy my dreams have been getting increasingly disturbing.a few nights ago I had a dream that my mom was shot and killed trying to protect me from getting shot in the stomach... And then last night I had a dream that my husband wrote me a note and folded it up (like those middle school notes that you would always pass around lol) and he told me he wanted to take a break to see what chances he had with other women. These other women were all so skinny and pretty! Of course, in reality, my husband is the SWEETEST guy you would ever meet. Shy, heart on his sleeve kind of guy who treats me amazing. We have been together for 9 years, and married for 3. Of course I had this dream after already feeling super insecure about my weight gain this pregnancy (almost 27 weeks and at a 30lb weight gain, I know it's different for everyone, but still) is anyone else having crazy unsettling dreams... the one with my husband and mom have me not wanting to sleep! Here's a pic of hubby and (his) mom playing bingo just becase hahaha. Notice he's the only guy there... what a trooper