Rash/eczema? Normal or not?

Ladies who are pregnant or who have been pregnant before... is this normal or should I get it checked out? I’ve been pregnant a few times before but lost the babies. This pregnancy is so different compared to my others. My main symptoms are tired, off and on sore breasts and this rash thing. The rash was the first thing to pop up... almost immediately just shortly after conception (a week after) and it started as only one spot. As you can see from the pictures it’s gotten worse. It’s only on my stomach, sides and breasts at this point. They don’t always itch... just when they first show up then it turns to a dry red patch of skin like eczema. Any advice would be great, I’m currently only 5w3d and won’t see my obgyn for a few weeks when they want to do my ultrasound... I don’t want to freak out about every little thing so figured I’d ask here before bugging my obgyn if it’s normal. It’s not bothering me at all just getting creepy looking lol. Thanks!