Clothes or no? Anyone else not wanting to wear clothes? Like at all?


Omg y'all... Clothes seem to be a problem right now. Regular t-shirts make me feel like I'm choking even though its inches from my neck. Makes me feel a little nauseous.

Pants, shorts, bra, undies.... Huge nope! Don't wanna be in anything. I'd rather saunter around my house naked or in my super comfy robe... It's super soft. Like heaven made it and anyone should be so blessed to even have something so soft grace their skin. 😂

Nothing seems comfortable right now. Im only 8+5 weeks with my first and I'm so over clothes its not even funny. I'd rather wrap up in a blanket or huge bath towel than subject myself to clothing. My fiance probably looks at me and just sighs cuz I'm like a toddler that can't keep clothes on. Haha. But I know there's no complaint from the peanut gallery.

Having to wear jeans or slacks at work sucks. I just wanna wear yoga pants or sweats. That's pretty much frowned upon at work. Going out in public is a joke. I probably look like I need to be on People of Wal-Mart. I don't give 2 shits about what I look like as long as I'm comfy.

Comfy me = happy me 😁

How do y'all feel about clothes?

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