is it worth it ..

so i’ve been with my SO for 3.5 years , we just had our daughter in february and then got married in april . we had been engaged since march 2016 ... ( yes i know quickish relationship, i’ve seen once’s happen faster please don’t judge ) ... so my husband has issues lying even about the smallest things , paying a bill , feeding the kids , etc .. bit just with me though with his family and friends as well .. back in june last year before i found out i was pregnant i was literally at my breaking point of leaving him he became suicidal and i freaked and stayed with him .. about a month after we took vows i found out why his friend of 15 yrs and him stopped talking .. apparently when i was about 4 months in he did or didn’t hook up with his friends younger sister i don’t know she wouldn’t tell me he tried lying about the lie a few times so i will never know the exact truth but since then my PPD spiraled our of control i literally gained hella weight and have just been beating myself up .. my family say they believe i’m done but i’m being considerate of his feelings .. which i can tell i am because he starts playing the “poor me card” .. my mom and brother think we should seek help but for closure before i decide to part ways .. my sons biological father abused me emotionally physically verbally and mentally .. so once my trust is broken it’s like pretty much out the window .. i don’t know what to do i just need a friend ... sorry rant .