Should I text him?


Okay so I dated this guy 2 1/2 years ago. Let’s call him “Donald”. So me and Donald we were really in love, more than what I seen for myself at the moment but he was head over heels for me. We broke up not sure why or how to explain. So when school got out. I texted him during the whole summer and then rest of the following school year. He still had feelings and me too obviously. He use to tell me he loved me but then never took another step. I had asked him out and he would say stuff like I’m not ready or along the lines of that. By the following summer after me waiting on and wanting him I gave up and I have never texted him since then . 2yrs ago. Bc i really thought he was playing with me. I decided to give myself another chance with this guy I met. Well that guy. We dated for a 1 1/2 year. But during one time when me and the other boy were dating , Donald ofc didn’t know my bf but so we talked in class and I would be like “ okay he has a gf and I have a bf “ in my mind. But we would Always joke and play around and ugh I fell for him but then I stopped my self. Okay so now I’m single and he is single as well. No matter what happened I feel like I just know there’s smth in me that tells me he still has feelings for me. Just the way he looks at me and talks to me. It’s our senior year and this good friend told me “ it is meant to be even over everything that happened in between “

P.S. also there’s this dude he’s such a wonderful friend and I’m going to prom with him but he likes me but I don’t and I don’t want to hurt his feelings. But if I ever text Donald again then idk what to do

I’m stuck?

What y’all think ?