Menstrual cup causing cervical prolapse??

This is my 3rd cycle using a femmycycle cup. It’s not like other cups. It doesn’t open fully & sits low in vagina to suction blood into it. I read stories about women pulling their cervix out bc they didn’t break the suction. I just figured they were being dramatic & this didn’t actually happen (bc I’ve given birth 3 times & that should hurt really bad!!) Or maybe they did it completely wrong.

Well. I may be doing it wrong. Can’t tell when it’s in properly. But it works ok most the time.

So the 3rd day of cycle, I was cramping & knew I inserted it wrong. But I didn’t wanna take it out bc It wasn’t leaking & we were out & about in public. When I got home I took out while in shower. I decided to check my cervix to see if I had it in about the right spot. Well. My cervix was completely sideways. Mine does tilt, so that is not what I mean. It was way way tilted. And the opening was so off I could barely find it. The side of it was pulled way down into my vagina. Like the suction changed the shape & everything. (Imagine the way a baby’s head looks after being in the birth canal a long time) Like, if I would have had sex right then, it may not have had room for him! I have used a pad since, & cramped pretty bad as it moved back into position.

I know my cervix very well as I’ve been checking it for about 5 years. I really hate to give up using a cup. But not at the expense of my lady parts!! Anyone have any tips or experience that could help?? My daughter uses a femmycycle & absolutely loves it. 🤷‍♀️