Not TTC but BFP


In a new relationship with the best man that’s ever been put in my path. I prayed for a reason to stay in the city I’m living in or a sign to move and and instantly this man came into my life. We’ve not been the most careful about not getting pregnant but I’m very open With him, he knows I’m not on birth control.. well AF was 2 days late then 3 days late. She’s never not reared her ugly head on her estimated day.. had the worst migraine and back cramping and vomiting the week after ovulation.. not knowing my little bean was trying to stick! I had been trying in my last relationship and had 2 chemical pregnancies. So this month I waited for my missed period.. I find it kind of ironic that I lost/misplaced my divacup with my last cycle.. panicking because they aren’t cheap.. realizing the universe was telling me oh won’t be needing this for a year.. well here’s my first tests at 3 DAYS after missed period and then 5 days