Need advice


So my period is usually never late, like it always starts when I’m sleeping, and that should have happened last night but it didn’t. So that freaked me out this morning in the shower.

On top of that I was experiencing discharge, slightly more than usually for the past week before today. But with that in mind last week, I was curious if it was something different than the normal discharge and of course one of the possibilities was I’m pregnant 😣🤦🏽‍♀️

Next, it’s been a while since my boyfriend and I have had sex and I’m pretty sure the last time we did it was before my last period. I took a pregnant test this morning and it was negative (thank god). I did miss a couple of birth control pills like two weeks ago, but we hadn’t been having sex recently, so I thought nothing of it and caught myself up on my pills.

So my question is, should I be freaking out? Or wait a couple of days and then freak out? My period is like 99% always on time and I wake up to it on a Monday. I can’t check on my period today while at my job, because I wore my cup today, so taking that out at my clients house would be weird af) 😂
