Diaper pail

What brand diaper pail do yall recommend? I had a diaper dekor with my last babe, liked it but the only place in my city to buy bags is babies r us and it was inconvenient. Any experience with diaper genie? 
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Ubbi bc you can use regular trash bags. 


Andrea • Aug 27, 2015
I just got my Ubbi and it looks so good with the decor


Andrea • Aug 15, 2015
It's also stainless steel which does not absorb the odor like plastic does


Posted at
I have a First Years clean air odor-free pail. It uses a regular trash bag, and has an air filter inside. We started with a diaper genie, but the refills were getting expensive, and it broke about 7 months in. I wish we would have purchased the one we have now, sooner. (Plus little ones can't get into the pail to pull dirty diapers out)


Elyse • Aug 13, 2015
Sorry for all the typos.


Elyse • Aug 13, 2015
We've have it for about 5 months now. After the genie broke, we used a regular garbage pail with a lid, but I had to change he bag several times a day so my daughter room didn't smell, and she finally figured out how to open it.


Elandra • Aug 13, 2015
How long have you had the first years one?


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Arm and Hammer. Can't smell a thing and we've been using it for 3 weeks now.


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We have the dekor you don't have to use their refills any normal garbage bag will work it was actually one of the big reasons we chose it with our first. 


Carlena • Aug 16, 2015
Nothing holds the poop smell in and it does hold the pee smell in for a couple days but none hold past that. Our church got rid of a diaper genie because it smelt horrible after a week and my SIL had the baby trend and diaper champ. All are basically the same after 3-5 days with pee.


Estelle • Aug 16, 2015
Does it hold the smell good


Carlena • Aug 16, 2015
Also don't forget the dekor is designed so that when done with diapers it can be used as a normal trash can by taking the top part off. That's why they designed it to be used with normal trash bags even in diaper pail form


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Never used mine, I say don't bother. Get a small, CUTE garbage pail and take it out daily. 


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My sister in law lives in an apartment so she has a small trash can outside her front door that she puts scented garbage bags in. But she also babysits 2 more kids on top of her own boy, so it fills up within 24-48 hours, on top of residents using it for small garbage like cigarette ends or empty packets. But she thinks that's the most convenient so it's not indoors and no one has to deal with the smell of stinky diapers. Either way, I don't think it would matter so much what you use to dispose of the used diapers. If you were to put them in with your trash, then that'll be going out daily usually. Or if you used a different way, it'll still be emptied just as regularly as anything else around the home, right? I gues what I'm saying is, don't spend a lot of money on something that isn't really necessary. Use the money you'd use for that, on something for mommy and daddy, or for something special for the baby.


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I'm gonna get the baby trend trash can because you can use any bags on it, and they sell scented 13 gal bags at the dollar store that would fit perfectly 


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I've been advised to not register for this item, waste of time and money apparently.


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Do you use amazon at all ...you can gey the refills for the dekor right to your door that way. I love the dekor and use it all the time. The diaper genie I don't like that you have to use their refills .....I like the option of using regular trash bags if I run out or whatever. And the genie gets returned to my work alllllllllll the time for issues.


Melissa • Aug 13, 2015
Thanks! I use Amazon like CRAZY! But didn't when my last baby was a baby, lol. Didn't think of Amazon!


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Dont bother waste of money. Save ur grocery vads and tie ur diapers off and throw em away. Everyone i know who has them said it was a waste and they are horrible to clean.