At my wits end 😩

My 6 month old use to be such a happy baby and a great sleeper. Then the 4 month sleep regression hit and she’s been miserable more than not.

I literally spend almost my whole evening after work trying to get her down for a nap because she’s overtired and fighting sleep. By the time I finally get her to sleep, and she takes a 45 minute nap, I only have about an hour if I’m lucky before she’s miserable again and wants to go to bed.

So we go through our bedtime routine and we spend an hour trying to get her to sleep again because the second she touches her bed, she starts screaming. She wakes up every 1-3 hours and most times it’s a fight to get her back to sleep again. I haven’t slept more that 3.5 hours in a row in almost 3 months. My husband tries to help, but she won’t ever go to sleep for him, so it becomes more work for me then because she’s more tired.

We even attempted CIO as a last resort but she gets herself so worked up that she sounds like she is hyperventilating, so we gave up on that method.

I don’t know what else to do with her and I feel horrible that I’m starting to resent her because I’m so exhausted. I fell like her sleep is progressively getting worse.

She just had a check up last week and the only thing her doctor said is that she’s old enough that she should be able to sleep for longer stretches and not need to eat 3-4 times overnight.