boyfriend fever

i really want a boyfriend. there was this boy who i liked and he actually liked me back. we liked each other from second grade to 7th grade. right now im in 8th grade. we dont talk that much anymore but throught all those years, i had always wished he had asked me out. but he never did. and some people say how relationships in middle school are stupid which is kind of true because you are so young its hard to be with someone. but i still think its fine to have a relationship in middle school. there are ogher boys at my school but they are all really annoying and not kind to the girls. and all the guys who are nice are already taken. anybody else feel this way. i just want someone who i can always have there but be on a different level then my friends. like somebody who isnt the same as my friends. soembody i can spend time with too and i can have. but that might not be for awhile.