Orgasm troubles 😣

Okay so, my partner and I have been seeing each other for just shy of 2 years we have sex maybe twice a week, but I’ve never had a orgasm with him. Like we’re not that boring or anything we do numerous positions/foreplay and all that, I enjoy it but I just can’t seem to get off.

When I’m playing with myself I can climax but it just takes a while of constant stimulation, so I know it’s possible but he thinks there’s something wrong with me and I should go see a doctor...

I’ve Tried asking my girlfriends but they all apparently orgasm really easily like even just from basic sex so they don’t really understand they just say “well he must be shit” lol...

Does anyone else take a little longer?

how do I tell him there’s nothing wrong? And that he just needs to focus on me for longer?

(My ex used to just get frustrated and angry with me and I don’t want my current boyfriend to feel that way)

Or suggest we get some toys?

I don’t want him to feel like he’s shit in bed or not good enough.

Any suggestions?!?