11 months of trying. Almost 1 year after miscarriage


I was beginning to feel like I would never be able to post my testimony in this group but here I am. I found out I was pregnant in October of last year and lost my baby in December (on my mom's birthday). I was devastated and had to explain to my then 3 year old son that his baby sister or brother had to go away. My husband and i have been trying since January of this year with not even as much as pregnancy scare. No chemical no faint positives, nothing. I've tried every trick, pre-seed, maca, opk's and nothing worked. I had a cold the week before my fertile week so I was taking mucinex for that. I also tried a vaginal steam which I purchased from Amazon and it actually made me ovulate 3 days earlier than I was supposed to. So idk if it was the mucinex or the steam but I finally have my Bfp! I'm so excited. I actually have an appointment with my obgyn on Monday that I scheduled a week ago to discuss my fertility issues and look at some outside options to help but now I hope we will be talking about this new baby on Monday! I am extremely nervous about another potential loss but I pray for a healthy pregnancy and I pray that i can enjoy it without worrying too much

. Im wishing you all buckets of baby dust and thank you for being a source of support for each other in one of the most difficult times of our lives