Its a ....

Jenelle • 2 kids✨ 4 Angel babies 👼 ✨TTC for 5 years ✨Pregnant wit my rainbow 🌈 due May 16, 2019 💕





GIRL 💝🌸👣🍼👶

Im so excited and cant wait for my lil rainbow baby girl to arrive. We have been ttc for 5 years now. This last year Ive had a total of 4 miscarriages. The last one being right around my birthday. I almost died! It was so tramatic for me. This was July 1, 2018 that I was rushed in for emergency surgery and need blood transfusions for hemorraghing. Im beyond words to be where I am today. This ultrasound was at 12 weeks 4 days. We did genetic testing and NT scan. Everything came back low risk and no heart defects detected. God is good 🙏 Basically my prupose of this post is to never give up there is a rainbow after every storm 🌈🌈🌸💝 Due May 16, 2019