Is my fiancé lying to me?!


I feel so lost... My fiancé lied to me. Again. And whenever I try to talk to him about it he just yells at me and makes me feel so much worse. I’ve had this funny feeling lately that he’s hiding something from me. I found out he’s been looking at girls on Snapchat and watching porn almost every day despite the fact I pleasure him almost every day.

I know that some of you don’t think porn is a problem. It probably isn’t for you and that’s fine. But it is for my relationship. My fiancé is addicted to porn.

He keeps his Gmail and Yahoo account logged into my laptop but Monday I noticed he was logged out and had changed his passwords. I asked him about it and he got upset and lied about changing the passwords but he logged back in. The next day I snooped a little trying to see what he’s hiding. I noticed that he had been erasing stuff in Google activity logs.

I asked him about it and he got super mad at me for even talking to him about it. He claimed to be erasing porn. But he views porn in an incognito tab so it doesn’t show up in his activity log anyways. Which makes me think that’s not what he was hiding. I tried to talk to him calmly and tell him how I feel but he was extremely rude to me and made me feel terrible. He also kept saying he hadn’t been on Snapchat looking at other girls but I had proof. When I showed him my proof he shut up real fast.

We have a really bad past with lies. Anytime he’s up to no good and I find something small I will calmly ask him and he always gets angry and swears he’s being honest. And every time I find out he was lying and he was doing something wrong. Examples: Using Tinder, texting another girl, talking to his ex, sexting, etc.

I left him because I was tired of it but after several months of being separated I agreed to give him another chance. Now I feel like we’re heading back towards the same crap and I don’t want to go through this again. Am I overreacting about the porn, Snapchat, and his behavior? Do you think it was really porn he was hiding?

He’s been so distant. Last time he was like this he was talking to another girl. While we were engaged and I was pregnant. I need help. I’m so overwhelmed. I love him but I won’t allow him to treat me this way. I know most people are going to say leave him if you don’t trust him but it’s not always that simple. It’s easy to say that from an outside perspective. I need genuine advice please.

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