26 hour labor birth story

🐧🌻 Erin🍍🦄

My baby girl Zoey a 6 pound 15oz and 21inche baby finally here on November 6th

So my body skipped early labor and went straight to activate labor I was in active labor with out meds for five hours before realize she was sitting on my spine, the pain was so unbelievably horrible that my noes started too bleed and it felt like my back was braking, and I was not making any progress at all after five hours I was only 1cm dilated and I was already so worn out I couldn't even stand. after much fight my midwife said it would be best to get pain meds due to how tired I was and that I was not relaxing, after the pain meds wore off I was still tired and was in worse pain then before, so I went with the epidural. After 24 hours she was finally almost out but stopped coming and my pain was almost all the way back because the epidural stopped working, so they gave me pain meds instead of redoing my epidural because they thought I would have her before it wore off, which didn't happen so they had to redo my epidural, once it finally kicked in I passed out and after I woke up 5 hours later my contractions where stronger, so I started to push again, but same thing was happening that she wasn't coming out so after a 2 hours of pushing they decided to give me help and do the vacuum and once the guy came and started he noticed her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck making it impossible for her to come out on her own and also realizing that this is why her heart rate would randomly drop every now and then.

But after everything was done she was finally out and I started crying and so did my husband cut the cord and he started crying. I had to have a small Episiotomy soni had to get stitches, lucky it wasn't bad at all but still not what I wanted but still better then a C-section which would have happened if I didn't do the vacuum.

Let's just say if it wasn't for our doctors and midwifes me and her would have probably died.