I fought my addiction and won 💪🏼


I have no one else to share this milestone with so I figure I share with you ladies and maybe give some hope to those who were in my situation . Today is my 100th day of sobriety from a herion addiction and I am so blessed . I never thought that I would be here sober and healthy . I was sniffing herion for about 8 months and before that I was addicted to Percocet for 2 years . I lost all my money , self respect , I almost lost my apartment and my wonderful boyfriend of 4 years who stood by me even when it got ugly . Once I was honest with myself and I wanted to be sober for myself and not everyone else that’s when my sobriety began . It hurt I’m not gonna sugar coat it . I did it “Cold Turkey” meaning with no medication in a hospital where they monitored me and I couldn’t run away and get high . It hurts physically, mentally and if your religious it will put your belief to the test . But if you make it through I promise you the other side is amazing . I was 115 pounds when I went to detox which is like crazy skinny for me and I am now 160 pounds . I kept my home and boyfriend and we are stronger then ever . The crazy thing is I’m only 20 I’ll be 21 in December . I’m glad I experienced this when I was young and overcame it . If you made it this far thank you for reading and if you are addicted please get help it will be the best decision of your life I promise you .

Signed ~ A recovering Herion Addict