I'm having mixed feelings

I had a miscarriage last year and a few months ago, my husband and I decided to give that baby a name. We wanted our baby to have some form of an identity. We chose a gender neutral name (it was too early to find out the sex). It was a very uncommon name, but now everyone is using it. I have seen several women in these groups talking about naming their baby this name and on facebook, someone I know went to a baby shower for a baby with this name.

Part of me is a little upset because I don't want to give my children common names and I feel like this name is becoming a "trend" and when people find out we gave our baby this name, they will assume we are following everyone else. Which is not the case because we chose this name before we had heard anyone else with it. I know it doesn't matter what others think, it really doesn't, but the whole situation kind of bothers me.

On the other hand though, I do love the name and a part of me feels my baby's presence every time I see the name.

I am in no way saying we will change the name, because we won't, that will forever be our baby's name. And I already got a tattoo. I will not be sharing the name on here either, because I don't want this post to somehow get traced back to me (with how popular the name is becoming, that probably wouldn't be an issue though lol) I'm a little paranoid about that. I just needed to get that off my chest. I don't really have anywhere else to talk about this.