I forgot about my husband?!

AF arrived! I was feeling sad, depressed, disappointed, angry.. all the emotions of TTC for the past year and a half. My hubby came home and saw how upset and mopy I was and sat me down saying "we needed to talk". He started off by saying I need to snap out if. I nearly jumped across the table to strangle him but decided to hear him out instead. What he said next blew my mind.. He said to snap out of it because I should be taking full advantage of having each other to ourselves for another month; because it's not the end of the world; because nothing positive comes from such negativity and negative mind thoughts! I just turned to him and said but Why us.. He replied saying, why not us?! I looked at him dumbfounded! He said what makes us special to not go through this tough period and that we are lucky because unlike some other couples, we are financially able to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> whenever we decide. Why should other couples not have a baby because of finances yet we're able to. After this I felt guilty for being so upset and suddenly I decided to put all my trust into the process. I always looked at it as though I was going through so much (I have stage 4 endo, had a lap, on 3 rounds of Femara, the cramps the pains etc) and what was my husband doing to help the process? In the process of trying to create a baby, I forgot about my husband who has been nothing short of amazing and supportive through this process. I didn't realise me complaining on a weekly basis about every cramp or pain or what the meds were doing to me completely destroyed his morale! I have a completely different outlook on This process all because of one talk! God has a plan and I have decided to leave this chapter of our book to Him. This is a shout out to my husband who I am lucky enough to have all to myself for another month!! I love you with all my heart and soul💓