ashley • Angel 💕 in a relationship 😘

Okay so I’m asking yall opinion about this because I’m actually very insecure and actually ashamed of myself because of it and I know I shouldn’t be, but there’s like a little voice in the back of my head telling me I should.

I have a high sex count for my age. I am 16 and I don’t know anyone my age or even a few years above that have a sex count as high as me. My current boyfriend is 20 and he’s had actual sex with 2 people (including me) and almost/kind of had sex with another 2.

I have had full on sex with 8 people (including my current boyfriend)

I stared out very young with my first boyfriend and when he broke up with me, I had a threesome with his two best friends to get back at him. And then a little while after that I had sex with his other friend.

I feel really ashamed because it’s not like I was interested in the guys I was just so hurt and felt so lost and having depression from a young age as a child it’s hard because you never know when you’ll be okay like being depressed really is the norm and you don’t really care about what others think or the consequences of your actions. I then went on to sleep with two more guys after that, had another threesome this time with a guy I had already slept with and my best friend(girl).

And then there was one more. He raped me. I got given a pill I took it because again I didn’t even think I didn’t realise what I was doing and everything just went horribly wrong. I tried telling someone about it, they didn’t listen. I blame myself. I shouldn’t have done that drug, I shouldn’t have worn that skirt and that low cut top I should have tried to fight harder. But I was in and out of consciousness....

Then there’s my boyfriend,

He knows about all of this and he doesn’t exactly slut shame me but he doesn’t think it’s right or normal for someone my age to have a body count that high.

I’ve opened up about this because I don’t have a counsellor anymore and never spoke to her about this stuff anyway and I’d really like your opinions.

Thank you xxx