Please help

Okay mommas. I need advice. I have 2 kids. A 2 year old boy and a 1 year old girl. Recently my daughter has started this thing were she will not keep her diaper on. No matter what. She mainly takes it off when she is suppose to be going to bed. 3 times in the past week she has taken off her diaper and pooped and peed all over her room. We've had to buy them new pillows and stuffies and wash all their bedding so many times. Their room wreaks and nothing I do seems to be getting the smell out. I've tried everything I can think of to keep her diaper on. I've tried putting her to bed in pants, in onesies, in sleepers, with her diaper on backwards and even putting duck tape over the diaper tabs with the diaper on backwards and she STILL takes it off. I don't know what else to try. my son Is a clean freak and only ever did it once and found out how dirty and yucky it was and never did it again. But my daughter loves it. She will even eat her poop and will also get it all over my son to which he will start screaming for me and dad because he's "ucka".