Anyone else just want to be a hermit until baby gets here? 🐢


Just needed to rant.

So I am trying super hard to just go with the flow of being pregnant. I'm a FTM, I dont have any expectations, my only goals are to deliver a healthy baby and not die during the process. If that means getting an epidural or a c-section, I am fine with it. If I can go the natural way, that's cool to!

I am finding it hard to keep my cool around my parents though because they have so many strong opinions about evvvvverything.

"Oh don't get an epidural, you don't want that"

"You're having a boy. Its defintely a boy"

"You will need our help, we will be at the hospital and move in with you guys for the first month"

"Don't be like your sister-in-law"

^just some of the comments Ive had to bite my tongue at. I love my parents but we get along better in short doses and over long distances haha

I am trying to not dampen their excitement and am pretty much ignoring it when they are offensive or mean or opinionated. It just gets really tiring. I've decided to put up with it for now, avoid confrontation because it wont do any good, but when baby starts to arrive we arent going to tell anyone Im in labour or that we have had the baby until we get home from the hospital and have a few days to ourselves. It sort of feels mean but I also need to stay sane.

Alteratively- does anyone else just want to escape to the woods somewhere and come back in 5 or 6 months with a baby? I just dont want to deal with people anymore.