I helped a stranger today!! 🐶


I am so happy right now I just helped this guy get his dog back. I know this is long but please read

This morning I noticed a guy walking around behind my neighbor's house I happened to go outside and he approached me asking if I saw his dog run by I replied with "no", cuz I didn't. But I said I'd keep an eye out for it, the only information I got about the dog was that it was brendel and I asked him where he lives but throughout the day I totally forgot what his address was all I remember is he said C.

I spent most of the morning watching out my window to see if I could see his dog but i never did. I happened to go on Facebook a few minutes ago and saw someone in our neighborhood posted on the community Facebook page about a found dog. So since I didn't know any information about this guy or where he lived I put on some clothes and I started walking in the direction I saw him come from. I had been walking for a bit and decided that I'd turn around but something told me to stop walking and about at that same time a man came outside of his house and it was him. So I told him about the Facebook post and I pulled up the pictures and he was so happy because it was his dog. So I stood around for 10 to 15 minutes talking with him while i was messaging the lady who found his dog.

He told me how his roommate let his dog out this morning and it got away and he's been stressing out all day and even called out of work. He was getting ready to go to Atlanta tomorrow so he's been freaked out and worried about not being able to find him. He was also worried about the creek behind our houses and worrying about his dog drowning. He also doesn't have any Facebook or social media so if I hadn't of looked he probably would have never been able to find his dog.