Newly engaged help

Shannon • Been with my fiancé for 8 years! welcoming our first baby boy Caiden in June
Hello everyone I have been with my boyfriend for over 7 years, on Saturday he FINALLY proposed!! I'm so excited. I'm not happy about this though and I just wanna get it off my back because it's making me upset. 
A lot of my friends got engaged either a few months ago or a year ago what ever it is and they all have huge rings!! Now I get engaged and not one person has said something nice about my ring. It's not huge but I love it!! I'm not a flashy person and the way I look at it is that he picked it out all by himself and that's all that matters to me. So when someone says oh that's small what do I say!?!? Im so upset! 
But I guess screw everyone's rude comments because I love it and that's all that matters! 
Also been ttc our first baby for about 5 months now with no such luck so I'm hoping this raises our sprits!! ❤️❤️