What do i need to do

Well my SO and I have been arguing over sex. It's like he's not finishing or acting like he into the sex. He even acts lazy. We have been into it for two days now. He has the nerve to call me a b.... And crazy. We have been going threw a rocky relationship since I've met him. I was trying to deal with all of his bs and nothing is getting better. We are ttc and we can't get alone doing that because he's acting like he's not in to me. I'm thinking of not trying anymore. Getting back on the shot and let this relationship go as long as it is going to go because I'm know for sure he is no one I am looking to marry never have thought like that he's a person who not use to anything he was a new experience for me and he makes excuses. I tired it's been two years now of this mess and I feel that I keep him around because he does anything for me and it should be more to that