A bit smelly šŸ¤§

Ok so for a while now Iā€™ve had different kind of discharge and my vagina is just smelly . I shower every day or every second day , I use vagicil , not on the inside. Iā€™ve tried different things like yeast infection pill and bacterial vaginosis gel. Iā€™ve had a swab test done and it came back negative. Iā€™ve done at at home swab test and it came back positive for BV or some kind of parasite infection thatā€™s like a std. but Iā€™ve had the same boyfriend for a very long time. I donā€™t have other sexual partners. Now I should ad that Iā€™ve had a discharge problem since the summer, it just came out one day like a period , it was extremely watery and after that it slowly changed to a crease like discharge and I started getting smelly. This might be gross but my boyfriend tried to go down on me on day and he said it tasted very bitter and acidy. Some times the smell isnā€™t noticeable and sometimes it is. And sometimes I have lots of discharge and sometimes hardly any.

By boyfriend did sleep with someone else when we broke up but he doesnā€™t have any symptoms so what could be wrong with me? My diet hasnā€™t really changed. My medication shouldnā€™t affect me down there. Iā€™m just stumped and getting tired of this problem