am i right or wrong ?

Me and my boyfriend have been together for a little over a year, before i met him close to the beginning of our relationship he got really drunk and did something dumb which caused him to go to jail a few months into out relationship 🤦🏼 he's now been home for about 3 months and I've admitted to him that I cheated on him with an ex boyfriend ( that has passed away due to an accident ) and he also admitted to cheating with multiple women at the beginning of our relationship...I forgave him because I really do love him and I want us to work but he just can't let it go he's always bringing it up , getting mad for no reason and saying really hateful things to me that he apologizes for afterwards I just really don't know what to do anymore I really want us to work I'm being 100% faithful to him and he still can't let it go I know it hurt him but I'm trying my best to fix it ! I also understand that it was wrong for me to do it but he also cheated with multiple women but I forgave him to try and make it work