hospital trip

Hey ladies I’m 16 weeks 5 days and woke up today and went pee and there was a tiny clot and some blood and brown discharge and I had some lower pressure so I went to the Hospatil cause I’ve had two losses and am not taking any chances . They rolled in the little ultrasound machine and took a look my bladder was empty cause they asked for a pee sample before I got in the room so the doctor could not see to much of the baby but did see the heart pumping strong . She then did an exam to check if my cervix was closed and it is witch she says is a good sign ! I then drank water and waited a bit and did the ultrasound again witch we then seen baby bouncing around and strong heart so all looks good . She sent me home told me to keep hydrated and rest no heavy lifting and not do to many activities just relax and she set up a ultrasound for me for Tuesday to get a further look . I’m just wondering has anyone else had spotting and everything been fine ? I did not not have sex or have anything going on down there to cause spotting it just came out of nowhere . I’m worried as I’ve had two losses and spotting freaks me out even thou I seen baby moving and heartbeat and cervix closed I’m still worried the spotting is the start of something bad ... can anyone ease my mind . The spotting has now stopped for the most part there is the odd wipe that’s light pink or brown like old blood and pressure is still there but not bad

I just need to know spotting can be ok ?