Hoping and praying...

So we've been trying for 15 months and I REALLY hope this is my month. AF due on 17th or 19th depending on app. I've been really dizzy a few times, bad heartburn, increase in headaches, nuscous some and tmi but extremely horny haha. And after sex today I got cramps and nauseous badly. I've also had a large amount of cm for at least 2 weeks which is strange for me. I'm hoping this is our month. And I'm hoping if it's not then I can handle it. Oh and I'm exhausted all the time. Except today I actually got a quick burst of energy for about 2 hours. I have a hard time falling asleep but once I do then I'm out for a long time unless I get woke up. Insane dreams too! I hope this isn't all in my mind!!!