LO drinking to much milk

Tiffany • Mommy to a 8 yo boy, 2 yo boy, and a newborn Princess!!! 💙💙💖

My LO loves drinking milk. We use 2%. Anytime he wakes up, is tired, or instead of eating he rather have milk. (somedays he'll eat just fine and somedays he rather not). Idk if there is something underlining with WHY he wants so much milk. Lately I feel like he looks more "pale" but, I'm not sure if it's due to the weather change and it's much colder now. (idk I'm just throwing out thoughts)

I thought about contacting his doctor to make sure his sugars and everything else is good. But I'd hate to make him go through all of that if its unnecessary. Anyone else going through this or any thoughts? Thanks ladies!!

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