Working with my abusive ex. Long Story.

I was with my mentally and emotionally abuse or boyfriend for a year when I finally left him back in June. He made me feel like the most shitty person in the world, even threatened me that he would kill himself.

Once things started to calm down my best friend who I had lost connections with during my relationship with my ex came back into my life. We fell in love and I couldn’t be more happy.

The down side of all of this is that all three of us work for the same company.

We keep are distances for the most part and stay cordial until last week I was having a conversation with one of my managers and my ex comes up to us to talk to him. The three of us were having a what I thought was a jokingly conversation till he turns to me and tells me

“this is between me and Seth not you”

I replied “well I was already here talking to Seth when you walked up and his you wanted to talk to Seth privately you could have called him over or waiting until I walked away”

Then he whispers in my ear “I’ll beat your ass”

and storms off

When I was talking to my boss about it he pretty much told me the only thing he could do was fire him and or do nothing there was no in between but now I regret not letting him fire him because working around him gives me anxiety and anger.

I just wanted to be the bigger person and now I regret it.

****before anybody tells me I need to find another job I have been at this job for years and make great money and I shouldn’t have to move jobwhen he is the one with the problem*****