17, 37 weeks pregnant and feeling depressed

This is gonna be long, but I feel like I need to write my feelings out somewhere safe. This feels like the darkest time in my life at the moment and I’m able to control my emotions pretty well usually. I met my baby’s father December of last year. We had always went to school together, and he had consistently tried to talk to me (over social media’s) for around three years, but I always just left him on read or thought to myself “he’s just not my type” when I would try to have a conversation back with him. In December is when I actually MET him for the first time. It wasn’t planned actually🙄 my older brother and him started hanging out, becoming good friends, and eventually my brother started bringing him over to our house to spend the night. Wesley( baby’s father) kept trying to hit on me but I was still kinda hesitant... for example he tried to kiss me like twice in the same night and I covered my hand over my face and told him I was scared of getting into a relationship or hurt or catching feelings. He told me he was seriously in love with me as a person, loved my personality, and told me he had always felt like I was his soulmate and we were meant to be together. Eventually after some texting, him coming over multiple times to my house, I started falling in love with him. I suddenly started to think he was really my person. We started hanging out constantly, having sex. He even came on a hunting trip with my entire family and me... my parents and family loved him... Couple months into the relationship he started becoming extremely possessive, didn’t want me posting on social media, wouldn’t let me out with friends, wouldn’t stop bringing up my past relationships calling me a whore. Even told me I was “ran through” that’s when I told him I was done with the relationship and he threatened to kill himself by hitting a pine tree on the way to school the next day if I left him.So we “worked “ it out and stayed together. March of this year is when my life changed completely. I found out I was pregnant. I was in disbelief and couldn’t believe it. The last thing that I would’ve thought was Wesley ghosting me when I told him the news I was pregnant. But he did just that. He ghosted me, and when he would text me back he would accuse me of cheating and the baby not being his, or just bashing me and telling me to stop texting him about the pregnancy. He went around telling all of his friends, basically the entire town I was trying to “trap “ him and I wouldn’t get off of him while we were having sex and that’s how I got pregnant ... he’s got a ton of friends and is a popular guy so everyone believes him. He’s made up a ton more rumors about me but it’s all just too much for me to handle. He’s also came back multiple during the pregnancy making me think he wanted to be around then would ghost again 😞 I just want to stay in my room and hide. I’ve text him recently and asked if he wanted to come to the hospital when our baby is born and he told me that he didn’t want to come and didn’t want anything to do with me or my family . I feel alone. I feel depressed. Why me? I just want this all to end... I don’t understand this situation at all. Any advice would help me rn