Idk if I’m still married anymore smh help need advice!

I usually don’t say my life on this but I feel

Like my husband doesn’t love me or

Is playing me dirty and using this as an excuse to play me. I’m high risk 27 weeks pregnant and I can’t do much of what he wants me

To . Wednesday I went to a baby shower event which he wasn’t too happy about .I have two other kids which he is not

The father of.. on Thursday I had an issue with my sons father at my sons school

Instead of telling him I went and resolved the issue. I was going to tell him when I came back and when I did he was like idc you had to tell me so I can go and tell him A piece of my mind. I said no that was going to escalate the problem I handled it. So that was too strikes ...that same Thursday was my daughters bday so that evening we cut her a cake, because of what happened with my sons father that afternoon he left didn’t even be at her bday get to gether that had her upset. Mind you he has 3 kids of his own from previous relationship which I don’t get involved in his and his baby moms issues. Friday came I was so tired from all the running around the previous days ,he got Mad because I didn’t do the laundry. all I needed was one day to rest. Saturday morning at 7am I got up and went to wash clothes after all was washed I didn’t notice there was play doh on the clothes I called my dad that was in my house for advice how to get it out and said don’t let him hear because I know how madd he gets. Well my dad ends up going to the laundry mat to help me since his clothes is expensive and I was scared to death\ we got

All of it off. Thank god! But he started fighting with me because I didn’t call him and that was strike three that he couldn’t trust me

And how much more I’m hiding from

Him .that he lost all trust in me and took his wedding ring and smashed it . He hasn’t left the house but he did come Home after work took a shower and left. I’m

So upset I’m Trying not to be because that’s not good for the baby.He has blocked me from every where and is really acting like a jack ass towards me. I feel like even when I’m

Trying to avoid confrontation it still happens and it’s sucks because I don’t deserve it. But I will tell you this my house is not a hotel and he will not be here for free doing things out of spite. It’s just hurts so much but I got

To think about my kids idk maybe he’ll come around I just idk Smh