
I remember when I was 7 years old and was watching the Crazy video by Aereosmith on MTV. It got to the point where Alicia Silverstone jumped of the bridge with a cord connected to her belly button ring. I told my mom and dad I wanted one also. Obviously they didn’t listen to a 7 year old saying that lol we want everything at that age. Well once I hit the teen years I really started saying that I wanted my belly button pierced so when I was 16 my mom finally agrees (my dad didn’t care, he said she’s been asking since she was 7) so I go get my belly button pierced at 16 for my bday.

I don’t think my parents knew that that was going to be the first of a few of my piercings that I have gotten (I want more).

I wanted my tongue done next but parents said no I had to wait until I turned 18, so as soon as I turned 18 I went out got my tongue done and had my friend do my nose. I also have my lobes done twice on both ears and my right cartilage done.

I want to get my tragus done and I also want to get my nipples done also. I also got my first tattoo at 20 it’s cherries 🍒 on my ankle. I want many more tats as well.( hubs is not a fan of tats or me wanting my nips done)

By the way I’m 32 now.